So I realise it has been a while since I have checked in on the blog. What a crazy few weeks it has been. I have so much that I am bursting to share but as life is moving at such a fast pace, I have hardly had the time to pick up the camera and do a nice slow cook. I am writing this post as I roughly pack for my bridal party in Sydney with my girlfriends. (I know... life's tough sometimes... haha)
So while I realise that this food post is not 'groundbreaking', I did want to share with you a quick and delicious lunch I made myself the other day. After all, who says no to Fritters. I have been trying to eat more vegetables and incorporate wild salmon into my diet as per instructions from my Naturopath and these fritters offer a great balance to eat my veggies and my salmon too. This bright and colourful lunch was just too yummy not to share with you.
This recipe is adapted from -- recipe HERE with the exception of adding a can of wild salmon into the mix.
Bean Salad recipe
1 x can of four bean mix (washed and drained)
1 x small zuchinni
1 x red onion (blitzed/finely diced)
2 x stems of parsley & leaf, roughly chopped
1/3 cup of lemon juice
1/4 cup of olive oil / coconut oil
Salt and pepper to season
To make the salad:
Pour all prepared vegetable ingredients into bowl, toss roughly to mix
Mix apple cider vinegar and oil and season to taste (taste first)
Pour wet ingredients into vegetable mix. Add Parsley. Mix well.
Keep bean mix in a jar or a container for several hours and serve at room temperature
Note: some people might find this bean salad a tad bland but the key is allowing the bean mix to sit in the seasoning, lemon juice and oil for several hours. When it comes to room temperature, the natural sweetness of the beans will balance out the zing of the lemon juice.
As a lover of the quick and easy, I cannot tell you how amazing our last few meals have been since we became the proud owners of a Thermomix (an early wedding present courtesy of H's parents, thank you, thank you!), I would love to find out what other quick and easy recipes there are out there... it would be even more amazing if it involved a Thermomix. We have tried a few recipes and they are all so delicious and amazingly simple. Can't wait to share all of our recipe tests and creations with you soon.
x Lynnette